Home Bathroom Assistive Grab Bars Installation Of Grab Bars - How and What to Look Out For?

Installation Of Grab Bars – How and What to Look Out For?

How to install grab bars

What are grab bars?

Grab bars are safety devices designed to provide important points of support in high fall risk areas at home. It is commonly installed in toilets to create a safer environment for the elderly when the floor surface is slippery.

How to install grab bars?

Grab bars installed at the wrong position decreases the efficacy of the grab bars and may not provide good support or prevent falls.

Installation of grab bars requires consideration of multiple factors:

  1. Common hazards in toilets
  2. Available space in the toilet
  3. How the user moves in the toilet
  4. Height of the user
  5. Objective of each installed grab bar.

To install grab bars, look out for these 3 things basic points when installing a grab bar:

1. Determine the height of the user

Installation of grab bar at ang mo kio

Depending where the user requires support, you want to make sure they can grab the bar comfortably from where they would be standing or sitting. The height of the user will determine how high a grab bar should be from the ground and the stronger side of the user will determine the side where the grab bar is installed.

2. Choose the location of installation

Location of grab bars in the toilet

Grab bars should be installed anywhere the user needs help balancing, standing up and sitting down. In the bathroom this includes areas like the shower, bathtubs, beside sinks and toilet bowls.

Bars can also be installed along walls for support where users normally have to move back and forth, like hallways.

The kind of support needed also determines the orientation in which the bar provides the best support (horizontal, vertical or diagonal). The are various type of grab bars in different lengths that serves different functions

3. Decide on the bar length

Anti Slip Grab Bar

When deciding on the length of a grab bar, these are some important factors to consider:

  1. The amount of space available for installation
  2. The range of the user’s reach
  3. The area where support is required and orientation of the grab bar

At Medical Assistance4u

We provide grab bars and support bars with high quality stainless steel cores that are guaranteed to last and grab bar installation services in Singapore. They can be installed in high fall risk areas like toilets, living rooms, walkways and more. The surface of the grab bars are anti-slip to prevent falls.

Our team of medically trained staff at Medical Assistance4u can provide you with consultation services to assist you in finding the best support positions and most suitable safety tools for your loved ones.

Contact us now!

Contact us at 9053 6727 (WhatsApp or call) or email us at [email protected] for more information!

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